Welcome To The Mountain Kingdom

+266 8001 0100


His Majesty King Letsie III

Head of State

Hon. Samuel Ntsokoane Matekane

The Right Honourable Prime Minister and Minister of Defence and National Security

Hon. Justice Nthomeng Majara

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs

Hon. Selibe Mochoboroane

Minister of Health

Hon. Dr. Retšelisitsoe Matlanyane

Ministry of Finance and Development Planning

Hon. Dr. Ntoi Rapapa

Minster of Education and Training

Hon. Mokhethi Shelile

Minister of Trade, Industry and Small Business.

Hon. Nthati Moorosi

Minister of Information, Communications, Science, Technology and Innovation

Hon. Lebona Lephema

Minister of Local Government, Chieftainship, Home Affairs and Police

Hon. Mpotjoane Lejone

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations

Hon. Thabo Mofosi

Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition

Hon. Mohlomi Moleko

Minister of Natural Resources

Hon. Pitso Lesaoana

Minister of Gender, Youth and Social Development

Hon. Neo Matjato Moteane

Minister of Public Works and Transport

Hon. Richard Ramoeletsi

Minister of Law and Justice

Hon. Prof. Nqosa Mahao

Minister of Energy

Hon. Motlatsi Maqelepo

Minister of Tourism, Sports, Arts and Culture

Hon. Mphuthi Mphuthi

Minister of Public Service

Hon. Letsema Adonts'i

Minister of Environment and Forestry

Hon. Tseliso Mokhosi

Minister of Labour and Employment

Hon. Limpho Tau

Minister in the Prime Minister's Office