Welcome To The Mountain Kingdom

+266 8001 0100


Brussels Embassy of the kingdom of Lesotho

Boulevard General Wahis 45

1030 Brussels

Tel: +3227053976

Email: Lesothobrussels@gmail.com



High Commission of the kingdom of Lesotho

Albert Street, suite1820

Ottawa, Ontario, KIP5G4


Tel: +6132340770

Email: Lesotho.ottawa@foreign.gov.ls / Lesotho.ottawa@bellnet.ca

Permanent Mission of the kingdom of Lesotho

Rue de Lausanne 45-47

1201 Geneva


Tel; +41 22 906 1050

Email: lesothogeneva@gmail.com

Embassy of the kingdom of Lesotho

Bole Sub-city wereda 06

House No.new

Addis Ababa, Ethopia

Tel: +251116614368/69 or +251116612828


Embassy of the kingdom of Lesotho

6-4 Qiajiayuan

Diplomatic Compound

Chao yang District

People`s Republic of China

Tel: +861065326843

Email: Lesotho00266@siana.com

High Commission of the kingdom of Lesotho

E-26poorvi mang,vasant vihar

110057 New Delhi

Tel: +91114660713/14/15

Email: lesothonewdelhi@gmail.com

Embassy of the kingdom of Lesotho

KURFUSTEN Strasse 84

10787 Berlin

Tel: +493025757215

Email: lnfo@lesothoembassy.de/embleso@yahoo.com

Embassy of the kingdom of Lesotho

52 Upper Mount Street

Dublin 2, Ireland

Tel: +35316762233

Email; info@lesothoembassy.ie

Embassy of the kingdom of Lesotho

Via Serchio 8

Rome 00198

Tel: +39068542419/96

Email; secretary@lesothoembassyrome.it

Embassy of the kingdom of Lesotho U&M BLdg

7-5-47 Akasaka


Tokyo 1070052

Tel; +81 335847455

Email; sec@lesothotokyp.org/lesothojapan@gmail.com

Permanent Mission of the kingdom of Lesotho

210 East 39th street

New York N.Y. 10016


Tel: +1 2126611690/92

Email; lesothonewyork@gmail.com

Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho

2511 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W
Washington D.C 2008

Tel; +1 2027975533/6


Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho

House 11, West Mishref

Mubarak A1 Abdulla Area

Kuwait city

Email; lesothokuwait@gmail.com

High Commission of the kingdom of Lesotho


55000 Kuala Lumpur


Tel; +60342532162/63

Email; lesothokl@gmail.com

High Commission of the kingdom of Lesotho

391 Anderson Street

Menlo Park Arcadia

Tel; 00266 12 4607648

Email; lesothopretoria@yahoo.com

High Commission of the kingdom of Lesotho

7 Chesham Place.

London SW1  8HN

TEL; 0207 235 5686
