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As the world is increasingly becoming unpredictable, countries have to quickly navigate the scourges of the global challenges by adopting sustainable interventions that will see them staying relevant in this new global context.

This was said by the Prime Minister, Mr Ntsokoane Matekane in his speech while addressing the audience at the Korea-Africa Head of States summit.

Mr Matekane highlighted that through concerted efforts with Korea and other African countries, Lesotho aims to develop sustainable solutions to address climate change, food insecurity, health challenges, and energy crisis.

He said that this collective effort will benefit the environment while at the same time strengthening the social and economic fabric.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister added that for Africa to free itself from the shackles of poverty, structural transformation through rapid industrialization and diversification should be a priority as envisaged by the African Union Agenda 2063.

He said that the transformation of the Republic of Korea to an industrial powerhouse should therefore be an inspiration to the African countries as they seek to transform their economies. He said Africa is looking forward to exchanging policy ideas and seeking ways to accelerate cooperation on industrialization with the Republic of Korea for mutual benefit.

Mr Matekane highlighted that Lesotho is looking forward to strengthening economic ties with Korea, recognizing the immense potential for mutual benefit through enhanced trade, investment, and economic cooperation as by leveraging in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, countries aim to create new opportunities for economic growth and development in our country.

In conclusion, he stated  that these collaborations will enable Lesotho to access advanced technologies and innovative practices, fostering an environment where businesses can thrive, leading to significant economic growth.


Source: Lesotho News Agency (LENA) 07/06/2024


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